Did You Know:
- There are some methods you can use to be more sustainable and reduce waste.
- Remember the 5 R’s of sustainability:
- Refuse
- Repair
- Reuse
- Reduce
- Recycle
- Every year, Irish people dump 225,000 tonnes of clothing.
- Plastic material is often not recycled properly and ends up incinerated or in landfill.
- 200 million coffee cups used every year in Ireland and they last about 13 minutes.
What You Can Do:
- Refuse to buy things you don’t need.
- Repair any old or broken items.
- Make better choices with what you buy. Only buy if you need to.
- Don’t throw out old clothes, go to a swap shop instead.
- Reuse things that you already have or upcycle them to avoid waste.
- Reduce the things you purchase and reconsider their purpose. If they’re not contributing to the circularity then it becomes waste – so avoid!
- Recycle whatever you can and whenever you can.
Find Out More:
- Cork Repair Cafe https://www.facebook.com/corkrepaircafe/
- Cork Zero Waste https://www.facebook.com/corkzerowaste/
- Cork Clothes Swap https://www.instagram.com/corkclothesswap/?hl=en
- Kilarney Coffee Cup Project https://www.2gocup.ie/killarney-cup-campaign-2/