Q102 – Weekly Tips 37 – Irish Wind Energy

This week Dublin’s Q102 spoke to Rebecca Flanagan from TU Dublin. Did you know… TU Dublin is the first multi-campus university to be awarded a green flag by An Taisce. The University wants to become a leader when it comes to becoming a fully sustainable initiative  As part of an ongoing development plan each of […]

Q102 – Weekly Tips 35 – The Dublin Bay Oyster Project

Did you know… One oyster can filter 190 litres of sea water a day Shellfish play a vital role in filtering water in the ocean They act as natural water purifiers by filtering and removing pollutants from the sea. What is the Dublin Bay Oyster Project? The objective of this project is to establish an […]

Q102 – Weekly Tips 34 – Jiminy Eco Toys

Did you know… The toy industry uses 40 tons of plastic for every $1 million in revenues It is the most plastic-intensive industry in the world. 90% of the toys on the market are made of plastic Who is Jeminy Eco Toys Jiminy Eco Toys is an eco-specialist toy company, retailing and distributing the earth-kindest […]

Q102 – Weekly Tips 33- Deposit Return Scheme

Did you know… The Return scheme is a refundable deposit that is placed on single use drink containers which will then be refunded to the consumer after returning the items for recycling. The scheme is aiming to tackle the estimated one billion plastic bottles and 1.6 million aluminium cans that are believed to end up […]