This week on Ireland’s Classic Hits Radio we’re looking at the importance of hedgerows for the local ecosystem.
The Value of Hedgerows
Flooding control – root systems of hedgerows regulate water movement and help prevent flooding
Disease control – hedgerows help prevent the spread of airborne disease
Water quality – hedgerows trap silt and soil particles, which clog up fish spawning grounds if they enter watercourses
Cultural / Historical – hedgerows are part of Ireland’s cultural, historical and archaelogical heritage. Townland boundary hedgerows are particularly important
Wildlife – as the area of native woodlands in Ireland is small, hedgerows have become very important wildlife habitats in the Irish countryside
Landscape – hedgerows give character and a sense of place to a particular landscape. They give an identity to a townland or county, making it distinct from other areas
Shelter – hedgerows provide protection for livestock and crops for up to thirty times their height, a dense base is also more effective
Stock enclosure – hedgerows provide long term cost effective stockproof barriers, if well managed.
Scenic appearance – Characteristic Irish hedgerow, enhancing the countryside
Hedgerow trees – Mature trees provide roosts for bats, while saplings just above the height of the hedgerow are important perching posts for birds
Birds – Of the 110 species regularly recorded in the Countryside Bird Survey in Ireland during the breeding season, 55 use hedgerows. Of these, 35 nest in hedgerows over 1.4 m high and 1.2 m wide, which provide cover from overhead and ground predators.
Cover – Hedgerows with a dense base provide cover for small birds and mammals, such as the hedgehog. The barn owl hunts along hedgerows for prey such as the field mouse
Places for Plants – Hedgerows provide places for many native flora, such as the primrose. Flora in turn provides food sources, such as blackberries on the bramble
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