This week Ireland’s Classic Hits Radio looked at ways we can decrease our packaging waste on our weekly shop.


Tips to cut back on packaging waste….

Buy reusable cotton produce bags for fruit and vegetables, and always choose loose varieties. 

Take large glass jars or other reusable containers and use these wherever an item needs to be weighed. 

Use a solid cloth bag to buy bread and dry bulk items. You can buy these online in various sizes, or use a small pillowcase. Bea Johnson of the Zero Waste Home blog and book recommends washable wax crayons for writing the product code on the bag.


If you must buy a pre-packaged item, always choose recyclable packaging made of glass, metal, or paper over lower-grade plastic packaging. 

Be prepared to refuse items based on packaging.

All of this is made easier by shopping at stores that support zero waste practices, i.e. The Refill Mill, and similar shops in your area.


For more information:–assessment/waste/national-waste-statistics/packaging/