Did You Know:
- Growing your own fruit, veg & flowers at home has a huge list of benefits.
- It creates new green spaces for wildlife.
- Pollinators have more habitats to pollinate.
- It reduces carbon emissions, there’s no need for mechanical farm machinery or transportation of goods.
- It reduces pesticides & fertilisers.
- There’s less food waste as you eat what you grow.
- You learn new skills from planting such as the knowledge of plants (botany), soil management & plant production (horticulture) & the importance of green spaces for the ecosystem (environment/sustainability).
- You reconnect with nature.
- You can do this for free with the help of Hollyhill Seed Library where just like a book, you can take seeds out for free. You sow the seeds, grow the plants & when seeds grow, return some for the next user.
- There’s tips to planting on the seed packet with all the information listed.
- You can grow at home in the garden or using pots indoors.
- There are workshops held at the library for people to sign up to to learn new skills.
What You Can Do:
- Sign up to the seed library at Hollyhill Library.
- It’s free & easy to use. It’s just like taking a book out. Sign up to the library, take out some seeds, using the tips on the packet, sow & grow at home. When seeds develop, return them to the library for the next user.
- Join Green Spaces For Health for more information, guidelines, upcoming workshops or community programmes to join.
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