This week Highland Radio visited St. Mary’s NS Stranorlar to learn about their halloween swap shop.

Did you know?

  1. A swap shop is a really easy way to enter the circular economy – costumes get a second, third or fourth lease of life! Which is really great for kids as they usually grow out of their costumes every year.
  2. The idea of a swap shop does not involve money, everyone comes together to trade what they no longer need.
  3. Parents, you can do so with other parents from your child’s school, clubs, or creche! Or get all the cousins together.
  4. Social media is another way to achieve this – check out our episode on freecycling! 
  5. Another way to keep costs- and your carbon footprint down and is to keep your trick or treat bags and reuse them year in year out – make the decision to start this year. Get a box and put all of your halloween decorations, costumes, trick or treat supplies and keep them for next year.
  6. Remember pumpkins can biodegrade, can be used to make pies and decorations and are relatively low cost.