Did you know?
- An Taisce set up Ireland’s first ever programme to support those looking to take climate action in 2017 (an taisce)
- To date there have been 1,023 ambassadors and 4,495 actions taken.
- Donegal has 2 climate ambassadors, so there is definitely room for more!
Why it’s important!
- This is the highest levels of carbon dioxide that has been in the atmosphere in 4 million years (climateambassador.ie)
- Up to half of all species could be lost by the end of this century
- 4.5 million Irish people emit the same amount of greenhouse gases as the poorest 400 million people on the planet
These are some of the facts given on the resources page of Climate Ambassaor.ie
If you make changes, the symptoms of climate change can be lessened.
Climate AMbassadors are given training, one on one mentoring and are invited to monthly networking events.
Applications are closed for this year but keep an eye here to learn more > https://climateambassador.ie/
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