Did you know?

You can recycle glass, cans & mince pie foils at zero cost – keeping your bins cleared for other waste!

Plain wrapping paper can be recycled – sparkly paper cannot (Bryson Recycling)

You can recycle your natural Christmas Tree for free with Donegal County Council! > https://www.donegalcoco.ie/services/environment/christmas/christmastreerecycling/ 

Why it’s important!

Ireland was expected to generate over 100-thousand tonnes of packaging waste this Christmas – a 4% increase on last year.

Junk Art is recommended by Aistear to broaden their imaginations and is a form of creative play  – Aistear: the Early Childhood Curriculum Framework, NCCA 2009

Glass is 100% recyclable. When you recycle a bottle it will completely re-enter the circular economy. In landfill it can take 1 million years to break down – https://www.roadrunnerwm.com/blog/decomposition-clock 

Learn more:

Christmas tree recycling points – https://www.donegalcoco.ie/media/donegalcountyc/environment/pdfs/DCC%20Christmas%20Tree%20Recycling%202024.pdf 

Bryson Recycling locations and hours – https://www.brysonrecycling.org/donegal-recycling-centres/ 

What is Junk Art? – https://playfulclassroom.wixsite.com/home/post/aistear-junk-art 

Bottle bank locations Donegal – https://www.donegalcoco.ie/services/environment/bring%20banks/