Did you know?

There is a rich biodiversity in Donegal – Glenveagh National Park is a great family day out with free activities you can print off at home to bring with you > https://www.nationalparks.ie/glenveagh/learn/

Getting children (and big kids too!) out in nature has positive effects for your physical and mental health. It also encourages a children to care for their local environment from a young age.

Biodiversity in Schools has a variety of resources available for free download in classrooms > https://www.biodiversityinschools.com/printables.html

Schools can also become sponsored under their Bosca Dúlra programme, as well as enter their Nature Hero Awards.

St. Eunan’s, Raphoe is currently the only school in Donegal that has a Nature Hero Status

Why it’s important!

Biodiversity is what keeps us and other species alive – here is the top 10 species at risk of going extinct in Ireland > https://biodiversityireland.ie/top10/10-species-at-risk-of-losing/

Flora is also at risk and these are needed for our pollinators – https://www.botanicgardens.ie/science-and-learning/threatened-plants-in-ireland/

Learn more:

Biodiversity in Donegal > https://www.donegalcoco.ie/media/donegalcountyc/heritage/pdfs/BiodiversitySpeciesListforCountyDonegalMay2009.pdf

Glenveagh National Park > https://www.nationalparks.ie/glenveagh/nature-conservation/ 

Nature North West > https://naturenorthwest.ie/

Biodiversity Ireland > https://biodiversityireland.ie/