What is a Climate Action Officer? A Climate Action Officer is responsible for managing and promoting behavioural and organisational culture change, building climate action awareness and readiness across the local authority.
It requires a broad technical knowledge of climate change, the risks and possible mitigation and adaptation strategies, and a strong organisational, networking, and communication skills-set.
The main responsibilities of a Climate Action Officer are as follows:
- Assist in defining the desired values and behaviours for the local authority and articulate how these translate into actionable behaviours at all levels (behavioural change).
- Develop and assist in the roll-out of programmes and campaigns, which promote climate action amongst management, elected members and staff.
- Provide support and advice to all departments on climate action related matters.
- Support project teams and elected members in ensuring all local authority level activities are climate-proofed.
- Provide assistance to the Climate Change Coordinator in developing and implementing climate action strategies, plans and policies across the local authority.
The Local Authority Climate Action Charter – In consultation with the local government sector, a new Local Authority Climate Action Charter was developed and published in October 2019, as an action under the national Climate Action Plan. The Charter is a key action in the Plan and will ensure every local authority embeds decarbonisation, sustainable development and climate resilience into every aspect of the work they do.
The Charter commits Local Authorities to several actions:
- Be advocates for Climate Action in our own policies and practices, and in our many various dealings with citizens and to underpin this role through the corporate planning process.
- Put in place a process for carbon proofing major decisions, programmes and projects on a systematic basis, including investments in transport and energy infrastructure.
- Deliver on a new target for the public sector of 50% energy efficiency and a 30% reduction in carbon emissions by 2030.
- Ensure all suppliers provide information on their carbon footprint and steps they plan to reduce its impact.
- Build local citizen engagement, particularly with young people.
- Partner & collaborate on climate action initiatives with local community groups, local enterprise and local schools and higher-level institutions.
- Support our employees to undertake changes in their lifestyles both at work and at home, to reduce carbon impact and encourage work-based employee-led groups to identify and implement ideas for improvement.
- Monitor, evaluate and report annually on the implementation of activities under the Charter.