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Young people from across County Meath have taken part in a workshop to measure, discuss, and learn about air pollution and its effects on health and wellbeing in the town of Trim.

The Trim Air Quality Project was launched in May 2022 and has used state-of-the-art AI technology to understand how air pollution affects health. The STRIAD:AIR system has been developed by Trilateral Research.  The company’s Programme Manager for Air Quality Dr. Ruaraidh Dobson joins us to discuss the findings.

During the workshop, young people learned how they can use the platform to take action and promote change. That can mean knowing the times of day when air pollution is highest as well as understanding how different parts of the town are affected. 

For instance, Patrick Street, home to four schools, has high levels of vehicle-related nitrogen dioxide air pollution around drop-off and pick-up times.

Coinciding with the publication of the findings from the Trim Air Quality Project is the launch of the Meath Environmental Platform. Meath County Council’s Project Lead, Anne O’Brien, says it’s hoped to roll out the Trim model across the county.