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A new report says Ireland needs to be climate neutral by 2050 by the latest. The first Climate Change Assessment found 16 of the 20 warmest years in Ireland happened since 1990.

The head of Ireland’s national parks says we are the last generation who will be able to put plans in place to tackle climate change. Niall O’Donnchu made the call as the fourth National Biodiversity Plan was launched. It warns more than 50% of native Irish plant species have declined in the last 20 years, and 30% of our semi-natural grasslands have been lost in the past decade.

Eco-systems are being thrown into chaos because of record January temperatures. That’s the warning from environment journalist John Gibbons, who says record greenhouse gas emissions are a main factor to this.

Meath County Councillors this week voted to adopt the county’s climate action plan. The plan was adopted following months of consultations and public meetings which finished on the 8th of January, with 9 decarbonizing zones being identified which include Navan, Ashbourne and Kells.