GIY ‘To Do List’ Tip Sheet for June:
- Watering and weeding duties step up a notch – the tunnel/greenhouse in particular will require a good deal of water from now on. Watch the weather and water outside as required. Water in the morning if possible.
- Add a good dressing of mulch around plants to reduce moisture loss and keep down weeds.
- Continue to earth-up potato plants to prevent the spuds becoming green.
- It’s time to get really seriously vigilant with your tomato plants – mulch, water and continue to remove side shoots that appear in the leaf axils. Train the plants carefully on strings or strong canes.
- If gooseberry and red current bushes are very leafy, start summer pruning by shortening back the new growth.
- Tie up beans and peas to stop them falling over – mature pea plants become like a canopy and could take off in the wind, bound for next door’s garden.
- Stake everything that grows tall – raspberries, peas, beans, tomatoes etc.
- Net soft fruit against birds – it’s worth the effort. They will eat your entire crop practically overnight if you let them.
- Thin beetroot in rows to single plants – for large roots space about 10 cm apart – for mini-beets space at 3 cm. Eat the leaves in salads – but sparingly.