Spiders in Ireland

Common Spiders in Ireland:

Common House Spider (Steatoda grossa): Recognizable by its bulbous abdomen and cobweb.

Garden Spider (Araneus diadematus): Known for intricate orb webs, often found in gardens.

Zebra Spider (Salticus scenicus): A small jumping spider with distinctive black and white stripes.

Lace-webbed Spider (Amaurobius spp.): Typically inhabits dark corners of buildings, weaving sheet webs.


Physical Traits:

Common traits include eight legs, two body parts (cephalothorax and abdomen), and venomous fangs for prey immobilization.


Ireland’s spiders adapt to a range of habitats, from gardens to forests, wetlands, and buildings. 


Most spiders are carnivorous, feasting on insects and small arthropods, using venom to immobilize prey.


Spiders usually reproduce sexually, with females safeguarding eggs in silk sacs until spiderlings hatch and molt into adults.


Spider behaviors vary; some build webs for prey capture, while others actively stalk or ambush.


Spiders play a pivotal role in insect population control, aiding in ecological balance. Protecting their habitats and minimizing harm is essential.