This week Midwest Radio looked at how a community has adapted their new sensory garden to include more bio-diversity
Did you know…
- By planting wildflowers, you can attract more bees and other insects to your garden, which will help with pollination
- Steps as small as leaving grass verges uncut can also help improve the number of species that live in your locality
- By making small changes to your garden you too can help positively impact our global ecological footprint
Why is biodiversity so important?
- Ecosystem Stability: Diverse ecosystems resist change and maintain vital functions.
- Human Well-being: Biodiversity provides resources, clean air, water, and cultural enrichment.
- Economic Value: Biodiversity supports industries, generates income, and provides valuable ecosystem services.
- Genetic Diversity: Genetic variation ensures species adaptability and supports agriculture.
- Ethical Value: Biodiversity has intrinsic worth and moral importance for future generations.
What can I do to help biodiversity?
- Preserve Habitat: Protect and restore natural habitats in your area, such as forests, wetlands, and grasslands.
- Support Sustainable Practices: Choose sustainably sourced products, promote organic farming, and reduce waste and pollution.
- Plant Native Species: Create wildlife-friendly gardens by planting native plants that provide food and shelter for local species.
- Conserve Resources: Consume less, save water, reduce energy use, and recycle to minimize your ecological footprint.
Here’s a few websites if you want to know more! – Key figures on Irish biodiversity – where you can learn about biodiversity