Did you know?
- Ireland currently only has 11% of its landmass covered with trees. In most European countries the figure stands at 30%. We are aiming to increase our cover to 18%
- The new national forestry programme is encouraging planting and restoration of woodlands that can be used as public amenities, with trails, parking and picnic facilities, through open forests and recreational forests
- Conifers and existing trees can be managed under the new forestry programme – although they are not native trees, landowners can also benefit from grants and yearly premiums in these areas
- You can still harvest timber from sites planted under the forestry scheme
- The new scheme aims not just to increase forest cover but to make sure that the right kind of trees are planted in the right area. Planting trees in certain upland areas in the past caused the release of carbon from these soils
Why is this important?
- Trees absorb carbon when they are growing and then store carbon in their trunks, roots and branches
- Apart from the carbon stored in the tree itself, the growth of tree roots stimulate growth of beneficial fungus in a mycelial web in the soil and this web can absorb and store very large amounts of carbon very deep in the ground
- If we link up natural areas through wildlife corridors such as strips of forestry, this creates a much stronger ecosystem. All kinds of life from insects and birds to plants and mammals benefit. All of these will also be more resilient to the changes that we are likely to see as a result of climate change
- Trees can help stabilise banks along rivers, prevent soils from being washed away and filter water – all of these are very important as periods of heavier rainfall increase as a result of our changing climate
- Planting trees for biomass can increase the green economy and boost the circular economy
What can I do?
- Always take a breath before you plant a tree to make sure that you are planting it in the right place. There are plenty of sources of good information available
- Don’t think that you need to buy a tree – check out free options and schemes that are available first
- Always plant a native tree, there are options for every kind of area and soil
- Communities and landowners can benefit from government grant schemes to plant trees and provide amenities, as these grants are now available for spaces under 2 hectares, which was not previously the case
- Landowners and farmers can look into the native woodland scheme and the woodland for waters scheme, if they are considering planting land
- Communities could consider neighbourwoods – for provision of amenity forests, or might be interested to try forest gardening. Generous grants are available for these
For More Information
Sligo’s Power to Woodlands for Community Resources
The Right Tree in the Right Place
Woodland Grant Information