Air Quality is a hugely important part of our everyday lives.


Did you know?…. 

Poor air quality can affect health, according to the HSE webpage poor air quality has the potential to increase symptoms of those suffering from lung diseases, cause inflammation and worsening of heart disease.  

People in Kerry are blessed with beautiful coastlines, but the sea air is a benefit in this situation. The prevailing winds along our coast means air quality in Kerry is not too bad, but there is room for improvement. 

 What can I do?….. 

Air Quality is influenced by a number of factors. Some ways you can help keep air quality clean in your area include; 

Reducing solid fuels use if you have an alternative home heating system. 

Move away from smoky fuels.

Car pool, walk or cycle if possible. Try to leave the car at home one day a week. 


Useful links…..