Did you know?….

The use of solar PV panels and electric cars are beneficial in reducing our impact on the environment. 

They also help to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels which cause global warming. 

Initially they are both a significant investment but they can save money in the long term.

The number of Kerry households who’ve installed domestic solar PV panels with the assistance of SEAI grants rose by 295% last year.


What can I do?…… 

Although solar PV panels are expensive investment, there’s a grant of €2,100 towards the costs from the SEAI, and with greatly reduced electricity costs, they pay for themselves within a few years

The sale of electric cars in Kerry rose by over 30% last year. 

Although they are an expensive outlay in the beginning, they are far cheaper to run than a petrol or diesel car and even more so if you have solar panels. 

If you’re thinking of investing in solar PV or electric cars, the advice is to shop around and remember it can help save money in the long term.

Take a look at what community groups are doing around you. 

In West Kerry, the Corca Dhuibhne Tourism and Hospitality Sustainable Energy Community was set up last year to see what the sector could do to reduce their carbon footprint.


Useful links…..




