Did you know?….. 


Tralee Tidy Towns is involved in litter picking, the planting and upkeep of green areas in the town, and community driven sustainability. 

The group recently held litter clean-ups supported by some local businesses. 

One such event was a clean-up of Cockelshell Beach. This was supported by the Tralee Chamber Alliance and AIB. 

Another event was supported by Kerry Group. This saw members and volunteers brave the rain to pick up litter around the River Lee. 

Events and clean-ups like these help to keep areas beautiful for the enjoyment of all and remove rubbish from the environment. 


How to get involved?…. 


Tralee Tidy Towns encourages everyone to get involved in some way. 

Organised litter picks can be a great way to socialise and have fun with others. Equally picking litter yourself while out for a walk can help. 

Tralee Tidy Towns also encourages businesses to reach out if they are in need of support to run some events. 


Useful links….. 





