Ours to Protect on Sunshine 106.8 – November 27th 2023

On this week’s show we talked to Caoimhe Ni Chatail, presenter of Eadai SOS on TG4 who is on a mission to get us to think differently about our wardrobes!

How can we reduce our Fashion Environmental Impact?

  1.    Buy Less
    Even the greenest garment uses resources for production and transport to your home, creating some environmental impact.
  2.     Buy CLOTHES FROM sustainable BRANDS
    More and more fashion brands take into account the environmental and social impact of their production.
  3.     Buy better quality
    Because clothes have become so cheap, we no longer care as much about quality. We just buy new garments when the ones we have lose their shape or appeal.
  4.     Think twice before throwing out your clothes
    Don’t throw your clothes in the normal bins! Most of them consist of synthetic, non-biodegradable fiber and will just pile up in the landfill.
  5.       Buy second hand, swap, & rent clothing
    Instead of buying new clothing, have a look at alternative options
  6.     Keep an eye on your washing
    Washing our clothes has a significant environmental impact. The average household in Europe does almost 200 loads of laundry every year, consuming about 15,000 liters of water.

Remember, Ours to Protect is broadcast every Monday evening at 7pm on Sunshine 106.8.

For more see www.sunshineradio.ie/ourstoprotect

To access the weekly podcast, including previous editions see www.sunshineradio.ie/podcasts/ourstoprotect