What is SPAR National Tree Day?

National Tree Day is organised each year by the Tree Council of Ireland with the support of its members and the Green-Schools. The day is sponsored by SPAR for a third year and coincides with celebrating SPAR’s 60th anniversary of serving communities across Ireland.

The theme this year is: ‘Nuts about Nature’ – ‘Fiáin chun Dúlra’, and what better tree to champion the theme than the Hazel tree – also known as Corylus avellana or Crann Coll. The Hazel tree has been an important source of food and medicine in Ireland for centuries and was of noted importance in our customs and folklore, from The Salmon of Knowledge, to using its branches to divine for water.

What’s on this SPAR National Tree Day?

One of the main aims of SPAR National Tree Day is to educate primary school children about the importance of natural resources including trees and forests in their everyday lives.

On SPAR National Tree Day schools around the country are invited to spend the day learning about trees, enjoying their natural environment and celebrating our planet. It’s an opportunity for children, teachers and parents to connect directly with trees, nature and the outdoors.

Schools can opt to take part in guided tree and woodland walks at various locations throughout the country.  For the most up to date list of Woodland Walks, check out the Tree Council of Ireland website.

To support SPAR National Tree Day, the Tree Council has developed this website – www.treeday.ie – a website dedicated to the study of trees. This website contains a comprehensive resource pack, developed for teachers, and complements the primary school science syllabus. The resource pack is available in both Irish and English.

Over the years, teachers have been enormously enthusiastic about National Tree Day and the importance of understanding our natural environment. We look forward to this year’s SPAR National Tree Day with similar enthusiasm and commitment.

Remember, Ours to Protect is broadcast every Monday evening at 7pm on Sunshine 106.8.

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