We can all play our part in improving the air quality around us. Even small changes can make a big difference to the quality of the air that we breathe:


o Learn more about air quality and stay informed. 

o Informing people about air pollution is an incredibly important way of improving the quality of our air By passing on what you know you will help others to make a difference. 

o Air quality projects in your school helps to raise people’s awareness about the causes and impacts of air pollution. It also lets people know what they can do to tackle air pollution. 

o Propose air quality projects for classes to undertake and display at an “Clean air open day” run by the Green-Schools committee. 

o Display posters and information about air quality around your school. Enter air quality projects to science competitions. 

o Design a leaflet to send home and to share with your local community – it could be available on your school website or social media site. 

o Undertake an air monitoring study around your school. Ask your Travel officer for help with this. 

o Write to the Local Authority about the results of your air monitoring study. Ask for their support in tackling this issue. Possible contacts include the Road Safety Officer and the Environmental Awareness Officer. 

o Supporting walking, cycling, scooting and Park’n’Stride to encourage less cars to drive to school. 

o Run a No idling campaign especially focused on informing bus drivers and parents. Refer to the No Idling resource on Green-Schools web site for further support. 

o One person acting alone may have little impact but many acting together make big changes. 

o Collective action can have a positive impact in lowering air pollution in our communities. 

o Conserve energy – remember to turn off lights, computers, and electric appliances when not in use. 

o Carry out an energy audit in your school. If your school doesn’t use energy efficient light bulbs and appliances, ask the Board of Management to assist in changing this. 

o Encourage students to carry out energy audits at home as well and approach parents to discuss changes that could be made. 

o If your school uses fossil fuel heating and/or electricity investigate moving to a clean energy source electricity company and raise awareness about this in students’ homes. 


Remember, Ours to Protect is broadcast every Monday evening at 7pm on Sunshine 106.8.

For more see sunshineradio.ie/ourstoprotect
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