This week we looked at the new legislation that requires waste collection services to provide a brown bin collection service:
- From January 2024 new EU Legislation means every householder in Ireland will be entitled to a brown bin collection service
- This legislation is part of an ongoing Waste Framework directive from the EU to help member states enshrine the waste hierarchy into national legislation
- This change in legislation will make it easier for every household to participate as they can now fully access a brown bin and contribute to meeting the challenge of separating food waste
- The brown bin service accepts all types of food including raw and cooked meat and fish, plate scrapings, along with fruit and vegetable peelings. Other items that can go into the brown bin include food-soiled paper napkins, paper towel, pizza boxes as well as grass clippings and light garden waste
- The material from the brown bin is sent for composting or anaerobic digestion (AD) here in Ireland. Anaerobic digestion processes food waste into a bio-gas which in turn is used to generate electricity
- All households will be obliged to segregate their food waste and either have the food waste collected by an authorised collector, compost the food waste or bring the food waste to an authorised facility.
- All households who wish to avail of the brown bin service are asked to contact their waste provider. Households not availing of a food waste service will be required to notify their collector in writing, together with details of how they will manage their food waste
- Find out more at
Remember, Ours to Protect is broadcast every Monday evening at 7pm on Sunshine 106.8.
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