This week Jo Lenihan joined us to discuss the New Year’s Resolutions you can adopt to make a difference:


  1. Buy Less! Before buying an item ask yourself if you really need it and if the answer is yes consider either sourcing from a second hand or charity chop.  If the item has to be new try to buy high quality so it will last longer.


  1. Switch to a reusable coffee mug. The production and disposal of disposable coffee cups contributes approximately 6.5 millions tons of CO2 emissions annually.  


  1. Challenge yourself to one meat free day every week.


  1. Bring your own shopping bag and commit to saying no to a plastic bag every time you shop. 


  1. Commit to buying only LED light bulbs. Not only do they use 75% less energy than regular light bulbs they can last you up to 25 years.  


  1. Leave the car at home wherever possible and either walk, cycle or use public transport at least one day a week


  1. Take a walk in nature if not every day then at least twice a week.  Research suggests that spending time in nature is not only good for physical and mental wellbeing but also results in our being more environmentally conscious


  1. Audit your home – take a close look at everything plugged in and adopt the habit of leaving nothing on standby.


  1. Consider making your own cleaning products using ingredients like vinegar, lemon and baking soda.  Not only are they easy to make and kinder to the environment they are also very effective and cheaper than shop bought!


  1. Commit to making one small sustainable change or resolution every month throughout 2024.  This could have a major impact by the end of the year

Remember, Ours to Protect is broadcast every Monday evening at 7pm on Sunshine 106.8.

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