Did you know?

  1. Combining exercise and meditation, a walk in the woods has been proven to boost mood and overall wellbeing.  
  2. A 30 minute walk in the woods can improve heart health and has been shown to boost the immune system which decreases the risk of certain diseases
  3. There is growing evidence body of evidence which suggests that even a 15 minute walk in the forest can reduce the stress hormone cortisol which in turn can relieve anxiety and stress
  4. As trees take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen they purify the air and help combat pollution so walking in the forest ensures we are breathing in healthier air
  5. Research suggests that spending quality time in nature leads us to having  a greater respect for the environment which has a potentially positive effect on the wellbeing of the planet
  6. If you have young children commit to spending more time in your local woods with them so that they learn about the importance of protecting our forests and the environment 
  7. Coillte is Ireland’s largest provider of outdoor recreation with 260 forests nationwide. Find and explore your local recreational forest at https://www.coillte.ie/ You can also read more here about the benefits of forests and wood for climate change 
  8. Forests help reduce climate change effects by reducing the amount  of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and providing wood products that can substitute higher carbon alternatives.   Find out more about planting trees and the ‘Leave No Trace’ initiative at coillte.ie
  9. Consider the challenge of visiting one Coillte forest a month over the next 12 months to improve physical, mental and emotional wellbeing throughout 2024 

Remember, Ours to Protect is broadcast every Monday evening at 7pm on Sunshine 106.8.

For more see sunshineradio.ie/ourstoprotect
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