This week Sinead Hickey Head of Sustainability at Irish Construction & Engineering company Sisk joins us to talk about the upward trend in sustainability in the construction industry and their approach to eliminating carbon emissions across their business through their 2030 Sustainability Roadmap – Building Today, Caring For Tomorrow

  1. Sustainability when applied to construction equates to a consideration of economic,  environmental best practice and social benefits.

    2.  The Sisk 2030 Roadmap – ‘Building Today, Caring For Tomorrow’ outlines an ambitious set of targets aligned with UN Sustainable Development Goals

    3. Sustainability at Sisk brings together: Society – our people, Environment – our planet and Economy – our performance

    4. The Sisk ambition is to lead the industry with the sustainable management of our operations throughout their entire life cycle, whilst upholding core values of Care, Integrity and Excellence that
    delivers for people and our planet.

    5. Looking forward to the next ten years the Sisk Roadmap will be augmented by five key themes:
     –  Leading on responsible business practices
     – Enhancing communities
       – Caring for the environment
       – Tackling climate change and air pollution

    6. For the construction industry to become more sustainable there has to be a collaborative effort across the industry – from client to contractor and from subcontractor to suppliers.

    7. Recent research conducted by Sisk showed a 52% increase in suppliers, manufacturers and sub contractors who now have a net zero carbon plan in place

    8.  Sisk is one of the 15 founding members of the Irish Supply Chain Sustainability School. The school is set to provide free industry-supported training,knowledge sharing and support for best
    practices in sustainability in Ireland, encouraging a collaborative approach to tackle key sustainability challenges

    9. The challenges encompass energy and carbon, sustainable procurement, waste and circular economy, community and social impact as well as issues like modern slavery,fairness, inclusion and respect.

    10.  For more information go to and also