It’s National Tree Week – the largest tree celebration in the country!  Pat Neville from Coillte talks to us about this year’s theme ‘Planting Trees for a Greener Future’ and why this week provides a unique opportunity for us all to come together to celebrate the importance and beauty of Ireland’s trees.

  1. National Tree Week 2024 is an event organised by The Tree Council of Ireland in association with Coillte and takes place from Sunday March 3rd through Sunday March 10th

    2. It is the largest tree celebration in the country designated for tree protection awareness

    3. This year’s theme is ‘Planting Trees For A Greener Future’

    4.  This theme aims to emphasise the importance of trees and forests in helping to mitigate climate change and promote biodiversity.  Trees play a vital role in various aspects of the ecosystem

    5.  There are many ways to celebrate National Tree Week including:
       – plant a tree in the garden, climb a tree or even hug a tree!
       – organise a walk or trail in your local forest – walks
         – spend an afternoon in your local forest with your family
         – encourage your local residents group, sports club etc to become involved in a tree
           planting or tree maintaining initiative
         – commemorate a significant event in the community by planting a tree
         – learn about Shinrin Yoku – the art of forest bathing. Find out more at
  and learn how spending time in the forest can help
           improve physical, mental and emotional health

    6.  There are many events taking place right across the country to celebrate National Tree
          Week. Find out more here:

    7.   If you would like to organise your own event there’s still time!
    All the information you need can be found at and

    8.   In Dublin Fingal County Council has a number of initiatives to celebrate National Tree Week including plans to distribute 10,000 trees for planting to residents across the county and community planting events and workshops. Find out more at

    9.   Consider the Tree Sponsorship Scheme – Gift a Tree & Grow a Forest.  Honour a special occasion, remember a loved one or present a tree as a gift. Find out more at

Remember, Ours to Protect is broadcast every Monday evening at 7pm on Sunshine 106.8.

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