Did you know?

  1. Re-turn, Ireland’s Deposit Return Scheme has now collected nearly 16 million drinks containers since its launch on 1 February, with the first ten days of March reporting returns of over 3.6 million drinks containers alone. 

  2. This collection figure shows the Scheme’s growing momentum and the community’s strong support for sustainable recycling efforts.

  3. There are over 2300 Reverse Vending Machines now accessible across the country, the Scheme is advancing towards Ireland’s recycling targets. 

  4. Consumers will receive their deposit back when they return the empty and undamaged plastic bottle or aluminium can, that incurred a deposit, to participating shops and supermarkets nationwide.  

  5. If through a reverse vending machine, consumers will be issued a voucher that can be redeemed at the till against store purchases or as a cash refund. If over the counter retailers will check the drinks container features the Re-turn logo and is undamaged and then provide a refund


  1. From February 1, 2024, retailers have a 4-month transition period during which they can sell both new drinks containers with the Re-turn logo and older drinks containers that do not feature this logo.

  2. During the transition period, there will be old drink containers without a logo and with barcode not registered with the Scheme; these drinks containers will not incur a deposit charge

  3. From June 1, all drinks containers included in the Scheme will feature the Re-turn logo and barcode

  4. There is no maximum number of drinks bottles or cans that you can return in one visit.

  5. Vouchers will remain valid for redemption for up to 5 years


  1. Not every drinks container is eligible for Deposit Return. Only drinks containers in PET plastic bottles, aluminium & steel cans from 150ml to 3 litres are included in the Scheme
  2. For more information go to re-turn.ie

Remember, Ours to Protect is broadcast every Monday evening at 7pm on Sunshine 106.8.

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