Tipp FM – Weekly Tips 20 – Ash Dieback

Did you know… Ash dieback is a serious disease of ash trees caused by the invasive fungal pathogen Hymenoscyphus fraxineus The pathogen originates in Asia and was brought to Europe in the early 90s. Ash dieback was first detected in the Republic of Ireland in October 2012 on plants imported from continental Europe. The disease […]

Midlands 103 – Weekly Tips 17 – Ash Dieback

Did you know? Ash Dieback was identified in Ireland in 2012, this invasive pathogen poses a severe threat to the country’s ash tree population, impacting both natural woodlands and cultivated plantations.   Symptoms:  Early signs include wilting, leaf loss, distinctive diamond-shaped bark lesions, branch dieback, and overall tree health decline.   Spread:  Rapidly impacts ash […]

Midlands 103 – Weekly Episode 17 – Ash Dieback

Listen back to this week’s episode we we chat to Michael McEvoy from The Farm Forestry Producers Group about the impact of Ash Die back disease on our tree population.  For more in this series listen in to Midlands 103 every Thursday at 11.20am