Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Tips 26 – A Sustainable Christmas

Did you know…  While Christmas is the highlight of many years, it is also one of the planet’s most wasteful. A question that arises for many year-on-year is down to trees: real or artificial? Studies have shown that a real tree accounts on average for a tenth the carbon emissions of an artificial alternative. A […]

Clare FM – Weekly Episode 26 – A Sustainable Christmas

Today we’re going to hear about what it means to have a sustainable Christmas. Pat Flynn has been speaking with Karen Foley, who is the Environmental Awareness Officer with Clare County Council. For more in this series listen in to Clare FM every Friday at 11am.

Radio Nova – Weekly Tips 26 – A Sustainable Christmas

  Over Christmas, we typically eat lots of food and spend lots of money. The remnants of millions of turkeys, tonnes of plastic packaging and miles of wrapping paper have to go somewhere.    Did you know….   Over the festive season we produce 25-30% more waste than we normally do. This is unnecessary, expensive […]