Galway Bay FM – Weekly Tips 42 – Reintroducing native breeds to promote biodiversity

Did you know… In 2024, Ballyloughane will welcome a new group of residents: a family of Dexter cows, as part of Galway City Council’s fascinating biodiversity trial project.  Native breeds are often adapted to specific habitats. They graze in ways that promote plant diversity and can even help disperse seeds through their fur, fostering a […]

Midlands 103 – Weekly Episode 31 – Biodiversity and Wind Farms

Listen back to this weeks episode as Sinead Hubble chats with Elaine Dromey, the in-house ecology specialist in renewable energy and Karina Dennigan the Manager for Powergen Development at Bord na Mona. For more in this series listen in to Midlands 103 every Thursday at 11.20am.

KCLR – Weekly Tips 21 – Tommy Cooke of Irish Wind Farmers Association

This week on “Ours to Protect”, we were joined by Kilkenny man, Tommy Cooke, member of The Irish Wind Farmers Association (IWFA) ahead of the associations Annual Conference in the Lyrath Hotel Kilkenny on Thursday, 23 November, will be the planning process and construction of the grid for energy distribution.    IWFA represent almost one hundred farmers and […]

KCLR – Weekly Episode 21 – The Irish Wind Farmers Association

This week on “Ours to Protect” show producer Ethna Quirke caught up with Kilkenny man Tommy Cooke of the Irish Wind Farmers Association ahead of their upcoming Annual Conference in The Lyrath Hotel.  Tommy says that locally owned community and farmer owned wind projects are vital in our bid to reach Government Climate targets for […]

Highland Radio – Weekly Tips 30 – Veganary

Did you know? While Irish beef has one of the lowest carbon footprints in the EU, reducing greenhouse gases is a challenge for the sector (TEAGASC). The Vegetarian Society of Ireland is in the process of becoming the Vegan Society of Ireland (Vegan Society of Ireland) Apart from meat and dairy products, vegans also avoid […]

Tipp FM – Weekly Tips 28 – Duckweed

This week Tipp FM looked at a little known plant called Duckweed and how it could be a key aid to farmers in the years ahead. Did you know… Duckweed is a native species to Ireland It’s an aquatic plant that can double in mass in the space of 24 hours Duckweed can act as […]

Tipp FM – Weekly Episode 28 – Duckweed

This week Tipp FM spoke to a local farmer, Daniel Long about how Duckweed could be a solution for farmers in the years ahead. For more in this series listen in to Tipp FM every Monday at 9.50am.

Tipp FM – Weekly Episode 25 – FarmGen

This week Tipp FM looked at the Farm Gen Scheme and how it’s helping Irish Dairy farmers to operate more sustainably. For more in this series listen in to Tipp FM every Monday at 9.50am.