Galway Bay FM – Weekly Tips 42 – Reintroducing native breeds to promote biodiversity

Did you know… In 2024, Ballyloughane will welcome a new group of residents: a family of Dexter cows, as part of Galway City Council’s fascinating biodiversity trial project.  Native breeds are often adapted to specific habitats. They graze in ways that promote plant diversity and can even help disperse seeds through their fur, fostering a […]

Galway Bay FM – Weekly Episode 41 – Fireblight

This week Galway Bay FM looked at a letter to the Minister calling for action to stop the spread of Fireblight with Katie Smirnova of Hedgerows Ireland. For more in this series listen in to Galway Bay FM every Thursday at 11.20am.

Galway Bay FM – Weekly Tips 33 – Offshore energy development

Did you know… Ireland boasts one of the world’s richest tidal energy resources? The West coast, with its strong tides and deep waters, is particularly well-suited for harnessing this renewable energy source. Ireland’s rugged coastline and wild Atlantic waters create ideal conditions for wave energy generation?  Ireland’s vast offshore territory and constant strong winds holds […]