Classic Hits – Weekly Tips 24 – Winter Gardening

  This week on Ireland’s Classic Hits Radio we’re looking at what type of gardening we should do during the winter months.  Winter can be a quiet time in the garden, as many plants are dormant. But if your green fingers are itching and you’re craving some time outdoors, there’s still plenty to do in […]

Tipp FM – Weekly Tips 19 – Sustainable potted plants

TREE SELECTION & PLANTING “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second-best time is now.” Selecting and planting trees for your site is one of life’s great pleasures but preparation is key. “Start with the end in mind” – Remember trees grow, the tree you plant today will get a […]

Ocean FM – Weekly Tips 19 – Autumn Leaves

Did you know? In the Dutch city of Eindhoven, the Council is putting out 200 “leaf baskets” around the city and is encouraging people who are tidying up fallen leaves around their street or home to deposit them to be diced, mulched and used as compost for city plants next spring Soil is a complex system […]

KCLR – Weekly Episode 5 – The Elderflower Gardening Group

On this week’s episode of ‘Ours to Protect’, Amy McLoughlin spoke to Catherine Yates from the Elderflower Gardening Group about how they make a difference to our environment as a community in their retirement years! For more in this series listen in to KCLR every Thursday at 11.20am

LMFM – Weekly Tips 5 – Top Ten Ways to Help Pollinators

    Don’t mow, let it grow! Reduce mowing to allow native wildflowers like Dandelions, Clover and Birds-foot Trefoil to naturally return over time   Manage native hedgerows for biodiversity The more blossom your hedgerow has in spring, the better it is for biodiversity. Allow hedges to grow into a natural A-shape profile rather than […]