LMFM – Weekly Episode 43 – Trim Coffee Cup Project, IFA on Climate Change

A new project is brewing in Trim which, if successful, would see the mediaeval Meath town take a significant step to improve its environment.  Local environmental groups ‘Sick of Plastic Trim’ & ‘Trim Tidy Towns’ are working with local businesses to introduce a project to replace disposable coffee cups with a returnable version. Also this […]

LMFM – Weekly Episode 30 – Deposit Return Scheme and Solar Farm update

The government’s Deposit Return Scheme launches on February 1st. From that date all retailers will be required to charge a small deposit on plastic drinks bottles or aluminium cans that feature the Re-turn logo. Michael Breen from the group ‘Sick of Plastic’ in Trim joins us this week to discuss the new scheme and we […]

LMFM – Weekly Episode 25 – Sustainable Aviation Fuel

Air travel will become more expensive unless there is a massive scale-up in the production of sustainable aviation fuel, according to local Fine Gael MEP Colm Markey. He hosted the conference: ‘Fuelling Change: Sustainable Aviation in Ireland and the EU’, which took place at the City North Hotel in Gormanston, Co. Meath last Friday. Airline […]

LMFM – Weekly Episode 17 – Trim Air Quality Project

This week we heard from Meath County Council about the Trim Air Quality Project. The local authority has been shortlisted for two awards in the Excellence in Local Government Awards 2023. One of the nominations is in the ‘Climate Change’ category where the County Council has been recognised for the Trim Air Quality Project. Anne […]