Galway Bay FM – Weekly Tips 5 – Water Pollution in Galway

This week Galway Bay FM looked at water pollution in Galway waterways with Billy Kavanagh of The East Corrib Alliance.  Did you know… The three main sources of pollution in Irish lakes are agriculture, urban areas, and forestry, according to the EPA. Other causes include sewage treatment plants, septic tanks, and invasive species. Excessive nutrient […]

Sunshine 106.8FM – Weekly Tips 3 – Leave No Trace

  As more people seek the beauty of the outdoors, our collective mark on the environment  increases.  Over the last several years individual sports and activities such as hillwalking, open water  swimming, running and cycling have experienced unprecedented growth. There has been a  substantial increase in people spending time outdoors for health and wellbeing as […]

Galway Bay FM – Weekly Tips 3 – How to help limit microplastic pollution

This week Galway Bay FM looked at the importance of limiting microplastic pollution.  Did you know… Microplastics are fragments of any type of plastic less than 5 mm (0.20 in) in length Primary microplastics include any plastic fragments or particles that are already 5.0 mm in size or less before entering the environment; including microfibers […]