Midwest Radio – Weekly Episode 39 – Claremorris Mayfield Community Development
This week Midwest Radio went to the Mayfield Commnity Development Building, where we speak to Alma Gallagher, Pat Lavin & James Donnelly about the retrofitting and other work done around the Claremorris and Mayfield area. For more in this series listen into Midwest Radio every Friday at 9.50am.
C103 – Weekly Tips 22 – “Joining the Dots”
This week C103FM spoke with British Ambassador Paul Johnston Did you know? The current theme of ‘Joining the Dots’, a British Embassy led programme that launched in Cork five years ago, centres around the retrofitting of houses and businesses. ‘Joining the Dots’ promotes economic links and opportunities between regions of the […]
C103 – Weekly Episode 22 – “Joining the Dots”
This week C103FM spoke with British Ambassador Paul Johnston about a special project being run in Cork. For more in this series listen in to C103 every Friday at 11.45am