Tipp FM – Weekly Tips 26 – Energy Upgrade Grants

Did you know? There are a number of ways to plan and manage your home energy upgrade and grant applications. Individual Energy Upgrade Grants for homeowners and private landlords who want:  individual energy upgrades to manage their own project to apply for the grant themselves to pay for full cost of works and claim grants […]

LMFM – Weekly Tips 24 – UN Temperature concerns and SEAI Projections Report

Looking to start your sustainable energy journey? Find out more here on how you can get started. Individual Impact Everyday from the moment we get up, we are using energy. From taking a shower, to making breakfast, and travelling to work / school / college. We are constantly making decisions about how and where we […]

LMFM – Weekly Episode 24 – UN Temperature concerns and SEAI Projections Report

Every year the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland produces a national projections report which examines how it believes current government policy on sustainable energy will impact they way we use energy in the future and what that means in terms of our future energy related emissions. The report cautions that the current scale and pace […]