Galway Bay FM – Weekly Tips 21 – Responsible Waste Disposal

Did you know…   The ‘Dirty Dozen’ are the top twelve items that are incorrectly flushed down Irish toilets such as wipes, cotton pads, dental floss and food items.   More than 1 in 10 people still admit to flushing wipes down the toilet- the under 35 age category is most likely to do so, […]

WLR FM – Weekly Tips 2 – Soil Erosion

Did you know? Erosion is the process of wearing away or displacing soil, rock, or other materials on the Earth’s surface through natural forces such as wind, water, or ice. It can have significant environmental impacts, including the loss of fertile soil, the alteration of landscapes, and the contamination of water bodies. Here are some […]

Tipp FM – Weekly Episode 2 – Sustainable Schools

Listen back to Tipp FM’s Pat Murphy report from  Bunscoil na Cathrach, a new amalgamated primary school in Cahir and hear him chat with principle Brendan Horan about the innovative use of solar panels, adaptive lighting that changes based on natural light levels and their underground rain water harvesting and rain water attenuation system which […]