KCLR – Weekly Episode 6 – An Eco Art Journey

On this week’s episode of ‘Ours to Protect’, show producer Ethna Quirke spoke to eco-artist, Anne Cleary about her and her partner, Denis Connelly’s two year solar journey on Ireland’s waterways, meeting communities, observing nature and telling of their encounters with artists, activists and scientists who explore with them the problems and promises of the […]

Galway Bay FM – Weekly Tips 5 – Water Pollution in Galway

This week Galway Bay FM looked at water pollution in Galway waterways with Billy Kavanagh of The East Corrib Alliance.  Did you know… The three main sources of pollution in Irish lakes are agriculture, urban areas, and forestry, according to the EPA. Other causes include sewage treatment plants, septic tanks, and invasive species. Excessive nutrient […]