Did you know…
- A carbon market allows investors and corporations to trade both carbon credits and carbon offsets simultaneously. This mitigates the environmental crisis, while also creating new market opportunities.
- New challenges nearly always produce new markets, and the ongoing climate crisis and rising global emissions are no exception.
- The renewed interest in carbon markets is relatively new. International carbon trading markets have been around since the 1997 Kyoto Protocols, but the emergence of new regional markets have prompted a surge of investment.
- The advent of new mandatory emissions trading programs and growing consumer pressure have driven companies to turn to the voluntary market for carbon offsets. Changing public attitudes on climate change and carbon emissions have added a public policy incentive. Despite an ever-shifting background of state, federal, and international regulations, there’s more need than ever for companies and investors to understand carbon credits.
Here’s a few websites if you want to know more !
Find out what your footprint is: https://standfortrees.org/footprint-calculator/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=buy%20carbon%20credit&utm_campaign=footprint-calculator&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIuqjWhLy5ggMVCePtCh0D_As9EAAYAiAAEgL4rfD_BwE