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This week Tipp FM looked at the impact of the merging of two primary schools in Tipperary to form Bunscoil na Cathrach in Cahir. 

A modern school and building that would take in modern considerations – like the environment.


Did you know… 

Bunscoil na Cathrach currently has 412 pupils – which means it is already near capacity – however at the design stage consideration was given to allowing for future expansion. 

Principal of Bunscoil na Cathrach Brendan Horan says the school is very much at the cutting edge of modern design. 

Climate change and environmental concerns were central to the construction – which included solar panels and adaptive lighting.

The school hopes to open up some facilities to groups within the local community.


Environmental Considerations : 

Their implantation of the above installations has seen the energy bill for Bunscoil na Cathrach – which has 16 mainstream classrooms, 2 ASD classrooms and 8 resources rooms – come out less than it was for Cahir Boys National School which originally had just 4 classrooms. 

An underground rain water harvesting and rain water attenuation system which supplies the 50 toilets in the school. 

They have included an EV charger on the car park, with space for another, making it the only place in the town with a public charging point.


Learn from them : 

Mr. Horan has invited and suggested that perhaps other Boards of Management groups at other schools in the county might like to visit to see what changes could be possible at their school.

Here’s a few websites if you want to know more