Did you know?
While Irish beef has one of the lowest carbon footprints in the EU, reducing greenhouse gases is a challenge for the sector (TEAGASC).
The Vegetarian Society of Ireland is in the process of becoming the Vegan Society of Ireland (Vegan Society of Ireland)
Apart from meat and dairy products, vegans also avoid leather, wool, honey and palm oil. Palm oil is the leading cause of the extinction of orangutans > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oA10-oZi4Xc
More than 700,000 people worldwide officially signed up on www.veganuary.com to try vegan with us during this campaign year.
You can find a Vegan society near you here https://irishvegan.ie/groups/
Why it’s important!
By going Vegan you could reduce your carbon footprint by half (Scarborough, P., Appleby, P.N., Mizdrak, A. et al. Dietary greenhouse gas emissions of meat-eaters, fish-eaters, vegetarians and vegans in the UK. Climatic Change 125, 179–192 (2014)
A plant based diet uses significantly less water to produce (The Vegan Society).
Simply by introducing the idea of ‘Meatless Mondays’ will have a positive impact on the environment (Monday Campaigns).
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