Ireland needs to “up its ambitions” if it’s going to meet national and EU energy targets. That’s according to a senior official with the European Commission’s Energy department (DG ENER). 

The EU’s 2030 climate target is to reduce net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% relative to 1990. The goal is to achieve net zero emissions by 2050. Under Ireland’s draft National Energy and Climate Plan, a target of increasing reliance on renewables from 30% to 70% by 2030 has been set.

Take Me to the River is a creative public engagement project bringing communities together in the fostering and long-term preservation of local waterbodies in County Meath. It combines artistic activities, scientific knowledge, and playful activism, to raise awareness about our relationships and responsibilities to our local waterways.

A local Councillor is calling on local residents to avoid cutting their grass during May to give biodiversity and native Irish honey bees a much needed boost. Ardee councillor John Sheridan says that over the past few years “No Mow May” has focussed on what residents can practically do in their own gardens for biodiversity.

New research shows one in eight people in Ireland continues to dump small electrical items in household bins. This figure almost doubles among younger age groups, which are perceived as more environmentally conscious. The survey was conducted by Empathy Research on behalf of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Ireland.