BEAT – Weekly Episode 31 – Reuse Packaging

This week in Ours to Protect, Orla looks at how you can reuse thanks to some independent businesses in the South East. Packaging comes with the products we buy for our homes and businesses. It protects them during transport, keeps them fresh and provides product information. Once the products are unpacked, the packaging become waste. […]

KCLR – Weekly Episode 28 – Lamber deBie Flowers

On this week’s Ours to Protect, show producer Ethna Quirke chatted to Lamber deBie of Lamber deBie flowers who is embracing the “green” message wholeheartedly in his Kilkenny floristry business. For more in this series listen in to KCLR every Thursday at 11.30am

East Coast FM – Weekly Episode 15 – Retrofitting

This week we’re at Arklow Energy Awareness Day, and we look at retrofitting, and find out about A website that makes the process of retrofitting your home easy to understand. For more in this series listen in to East Coast FM every Thursday at 8pm.

East Coast FM – Weekly Tips 13 – Sustainable Packaging

Week 13 Sustainable Packaging This week on Ours to Protect Max talks about how businesses can use more sustainable packaging. Offer carbon-neutral shipping by off-setting emissions. Ship items in bulk. Use sustainable packaging materials that can be repurposed. Offer a returns program for your empty product containers. Recycle on behalf of your suppliers and offer […]