Tipp FM – Weekly Tips 29 – Recycling Christmas

This week Tipp FM looked at: Recycling all that Christmas waste  Christmas is one of the biggest occasions across the globe for waste generation, with Ireland expected to produce 100,000 tonnes of packaging waste this year.  A recent survey by repak.ie of 1,000 people concluded that 92% of respondents said that would make a conscious effort to […]

Cork’s Red FM – Weekly Tips 26 – Corks Repair Cafe

Did You Know: The first known repair cafe started in Amsterdam in 2009 as a grassroots movement and from there it has taken off. The repair cafe is a space where you can bring broken or torn items from home to repair.\ The cafe is led by volunteers and offers parts and tools to help […]

BEAT – Weekly Episode 23 – Christmas Jumpers

This week on Ours To Protect, one South East residents’ association tells Orla why they are determined to make our Christmas jumpers more sustainable as we head into the festive season. For more in this series listen in to BEAT every Wednesday at 8.25pm

Radio Nova – Weekly Tips 22 – Less Waste in the Workplace

Did you know  Companies may not put time, money, or energy into workplace waste reduction if they believe it’s too inconvenient to establish a program, or that it’s trivial because it doesn’t bring the company money. However, while reducing waste may not generate revenue in the traditional sense, it will ultimately save your business money. […]

Beat – Weekly Episode 19 – Halloween

 The options for halloween costumes are huge these days- it’s no longer about the homemade costume- using a white sheet and some fancy work with scissors… Halloween is a booming business- in 2017 65 million was spent by Irish consumers on Halloween.  But all this has an impact on the environment. For more in this […]