Live 95 – Weekly Episode 33 – Urban Green Spaces

This week takes a look at the valuable green spaces throughout Limerick city and the important role they play for the community In land use planning, urban green space is open-space areas reserved for parks and areas of the natural environment.  Recently there was a move to develop the allotment in Baggott Estate, located in […]

Radio Nova – Weekly Episode 27 – The Rediscovery Centre

This week on Radio Nova we were looking at upcycling and re-purposing at the Rediscovery Centre. The Rediscovery Centre is located in the heart of Ballymun, Dublin. It’s mission is to lead Ireland’s transition to a circular economy and a sustainable future by creating a fair and inclusive society that thrives within the boundaries of […]

Cork’s Red FM – Weekly Tips 24 – A Zero Waste Food Company

Did You Know: Permaculture is a philosophy of sustainable design that started in Tasmania. It’s the study of the forest and patterns that happen over time and how it can be implemented in businesses. Here’s how My Goodness implants permaculture and a zero waste approach: Food waste and shavings are hard to use, it was […]

Cork’s Red FM – Weekly Episode 24 –

Listen back to this week’s episode as we find out about My Goodness, a zero waste, food business based in Cork. For more in this series listen in to Cork’s Red FM every Monday at 8.50pm.

Cork’s Red FM – Weekly Tips 23 – Cork’s Urban Soil Project

Did You Know: A biodigester uses food scraps mixed with cardboard (which is a source of carbon dioxide) and nitrogen to make compost. These are mixed together and broken down to eventually make soil. The aim is to stop wasting our waste and reuse it to give it a new life and purpose. The biodigester […]

Q102 – Weekly Tips 18 – Bí Urban

This week Dublin’s Q102 looked at Bí Urban’s plantation sites Did you know… Messiness can be good for a biodiverse garden Biodiverse gardens can be small and not take up large spaces   Biodiversity in the city Parks are vital to keep biodiversity thriving in cities around the world Inner city houses and gardens play […]

Q102 – Weekly Episode 18 – Bí Urban

This week Dublin’s Q102 looked at Bí Urban’s plantation sites and how they are working to help pollinators across Dublin.  For more in this series listen in to Q102 every Wednesday at 7pm

Live 95 – Weekly Episode 2 – The Urban Co-op

Listen back to Live 95 as they visit the Urban Co-op in Limerick  a retail grocery store and community wellness hub that has over 2,500 members. Managing Director Anne Maher told Live 95 how the initiative aims to provide an alternative to processed foods to benefit member’s lifestyles and the environment. Listen in to Live […]