Did you know…
- That not only are bees on the decline but many species of bird are also on the decline. Not only that but the native hare is also in danger.
- This is mainly down to the over working of native scrubland which was once a rich habitat and nesting place for birds which in turn has dire consequences on the entire eco system of the area.
What can be done to reverse this decline?
- More nature reserves! Habitats protected in Ireland under EU law are protected under the Habitats Directive. The Habitats Directive has a total of 233 habitats on its list. 60 habitats are protected under EU law in Ireland.
What are the environmental benefits:
- As we have seen in Derryvilla, once the land is restored, native fauna will florish which will in turn attract insects, animal species and birds to create a rich eco system serving all plant and animal life.
- The area is also a huge attraction for locals and tourists alike! Very popular for walking, swimming and fishing which has also brought its own benefits to whart was once a rural, isolated area.
Here’s a few websites if you want to know more !
- https://www.npws.ie/nature-reserves – For nature reserves in your area
- https://www.coillte.ie/coillte-nature/ourprojects/midlandsnativewoodland/ – For more on the work being doen in Littleton to restore former bogs