Did You Know:
- Clean Coasts are on a mission to make our coasts, rivers and oceans cleaner from litter and waste.
- They work with over 200 community led groups across Ireland.
- The two big groups in Cork are Blackrock clean up group and Balynamona.
- There are two big call to actions at the start and end of the bathing season.
- The first one is at the start of June for World Ocean Day and the second is at the end of the bathing season which is in September, The Big Beach Clean up.
- Over 12 million pieces of plastic enter our oceans each year which is either through our waste water, plastic that enters streams and rivers, micro plastics and ultimately people littering.
- The most commonly found litter on beaches are:
- Cigarette butts, sweet wrappers in Asia, small micro plastics, fishing litter, wet wipes and cotton buds (which are often flushed down the toilet.)
- Clean Coasts also do regeneration work on sand dunes which are vital for protection against storm surge , high waves, reducing coastal flooding and preventing sand blowing on our roads.
- Businesses can also get involved either to join or fund.
- Funding goes into a grant scheme which offers money to Clean Coast groups where they can apply for benches for the area, extra equipment, or buses to get people to the beaches for the clean up.
What You Can Do:
- Put your litter in the bin.
- Pick up litter as you see it on beaches and put it in the bin.
- Join a local Clean Coast group.
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