Did you know…
- A Marine Protected Area is a part of our ocean that is protected by law to conserve marine wildlife.
- 76% of people in Ireland believe “lack of political will to protect or manage the ocean effectively” is the greatest threat to Ireland’s seas.
- Currently, just 2% of Irish waters are protected.
- 67% of people believe that the health of Ireland’s waters has declined over the last ten years.
Why are MPAs so important?
- They are a really important tool for conservation that countries around the world are using to help improve the health of our oceans.
- They can help reverse the declining fish population globally and locally.
- They can help boost an areas profile for marine tourism.
- They can provide sites for long-term research to be conducted.
What can I do to help support MPAs?
- Keep up to date with Fairseas and MPA news and developments.
- Keep a distance from sea birds, mammals etc. to avoid disturbing their habitats.
- Eat sustainable seafood.
Here’s a few websites if you want to know more!
https://fairseas.ie/ – the official Fair Seas website.
https://www.wildernessireland.com/blog/irelands-marine-coastal-wildlife/ – to learn about marine and coastal wildlife.
https://www.msc.org/?gad=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwsp6pBhCfARIsAD3GZuaeE3gAgWkJOZWdfEokmHqVfuqIIiqyiHvKyGZf5_YjcpeJH97NRi4aAlBEEALw_wcB – Marine Stewardship Council