WLR FM provides a full-service multi-platform service to Waterford City and County. The station offering encompasses the areas of news, sport, current affairs, music, entertainment, the arts, community events, Irish language, culture, and social affairs on traditional FM listening, mobile listening, smart speaker listening, wlrfm.com as well as through our social media platforms.
The station won the IMRO Specialist Speech Award in 2022 for the programme ‘Waterford, A Climate Change Special’.
WLR FM is Ireland’s IMRO Local Station of the Year 2019, 2020, 2021 & 2022.

Recent entries

July 15, 2024

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Episode 50 – One year around the Sun

One year ago we started this project to give our listeners a taste of what's happening in Waterford City and County when it comes to biodiversity, sustainability and climate change. To hear about the work local government, communities and individuals are undertaking to inform and educate. Today[...]


July 15, 2024

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Tips 49 – National Bike Week

Tips: Bike Week is a celebration and promotion of the benefits of cycling. It will take place from Saturday 11th to Sunday 19th May 2024. There will be lots of exciting events happening throughout Waterford during the week. Download the full programme: Bike[...]


July 15, 2024

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Episode 49 – National Bike Week

We are smack bang in the middle of National Bike Week. The week where we celebrate cycling, and its benefits - physical exercise, enjoying our natural and local heritage and promoting sustainable transport.[...]


July 15, 2024

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Tips 48 – Sli Sails on the River Suir

Tips: Reduce Pollution: Minimize the use of chemicals and pesticides in your yard and garden, as these can runoff into nearby water bodies and contaminate them. Use natural or organic alternatives whenever possible.   Proper Waste Disposal: Dispose of household waste, including hazardous materials like batteries and electronics, responsibly.[...]


July 15, 2024

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Episode 48 – Sli Sails

This week our reporter Clodagh Walsh went down the River Suir with  the Slí initiative to explore the importance of Ireland's waterways and estuaries. She heard from interested groups on how our waterways can be harnessed to drive positive change[...]


July 15, 2024

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Tips 47 – Solar Energy at Home

Tips: Investing in solar panels offers numerous benefits, both for individuals and for the environment. Here are some compelling reasons why investing in solar panels can be a wise decision:   Cost Savings: Over time, solar panels can significantly reduce or even eliminate your electricity bills. By[...]


July 15, 2024

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Episode 47 – Solar Energy at Home

Solar energy is emerging as the fastest growing renewable power in Ireland. Today we are looking at the domestic market. We hear from two companies installing solar panels and from a customer who recently got panels installed.[...]


July 15, 2024

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Episode 46 – The Quickening

The Quickening is a film and sound project that explores food, farming and climate crises.  This week we hear from Clodagh and James Foley  of Coolydoody farm in  West Waterford which was one of the locations used in the making of the artwork.[...]


July 15, 2024

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Tips 45 – World Earth Day

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Practice the three Rs in your daily life. Reduce your consumption of single-use plastics and other non-biodegradable materials, reuse items whenever possible, and recycle what you can.   Plant Trees: Trees play a vital role in combating climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing[...]


July 15, 2024

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Episode 45 – World Earth Day

Monday 22nd April is World Earth Day. This year, the global theme is Planet vs Plastic. It's a rallying call for everyone, students, businesses, governments, and you to stand together against plastic pollution.[...]


July 15, 2024

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Tips 44 – National Spring Clean

Plan Ahead: Choose a date and time for the spring clean that works for most people in your community. Consider factors like weather and other local events that might affect attendance. Recruit Volunteers: Reach out to friends, neighbors, local community groups, schools, and businesses to recruit volunteers[...]


July 15, 2024

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Episode 44 – National Spring Clean

Our reporter Clodagh Walsh spoke to Ella Ryan about the national clean up. [...]


July 15, 2024

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Tips 43 – Too Good to Go

Food waste is a significant issue globally, contributing to environmental problems such as greenhouse gas emissions and resource depletion. Here are some ideas to help reduce food waste:   Meal Planning: Plan meals in advance and make a shopping list based on what you need. This helps prevent overbuying and ensures that[...]


July 15, 2024

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Episode 43 – Too Good to Go

Over the course of this series we've discussed food waste many times. The government's ambitious goal is to cut food waste by 50% by 2030. The global food- saving app Too Good To Go is making a significant impact in Ireland, helping to distribute food that[...]


April 25, 2024

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Tips 42 – Greening Waterford

Greening your locality involves implementing initiatives to enhance sustainability, promote environmental stewardship, and improve the quality of life for residents. Here are some ideas to consider: Community Gardens: Establish community gardens where residents can grow their own fruits, vegetables, and herbs. This promotes local food production, encourages healthy eating habits, and[...]


April 25, 2024

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Episode 42 – Greening Waterford

"Greening Waterford one tree at a time" that's the motto of the Waterford Trees for Life Initiative. Brian Jacob is the man behind the project, carried out in conjunction with Waterford Lyons Club, SETU and the National Biodiversity Date Centre here in Waterford. More

April 25, 2024

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Tips 41 – The Circular Economy at home

Maintaining a circular economy involves designing systems that minimize waste, promote reuse and recycling, and ensure resources are used efficiently. Here are some ways you can contribute to maintaining a circular economy: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Follow the mantra of "reduce, reuse, recycle" in your daily life. Reduce your consumption of single-use items,[...]


April 25, 2024

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Episode 41 – Maintain your domestic appliances

A very practical way of moving from our linear economy to a circular economy is to regularly maintain and repair your domestic appliances. Using kitchen equipment properly can reduce the likelihood of it breaking down,  improve sustainability  and energy efficiency. Maurice Kiely from[...]


April 25, 2024

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Tips 40 – Slí Big Swap

A Sustainable Living Swap Day is a fantastic initiative to promote eco-friendly practices and reduce waste. When considering what to donate for such an event, focus on items that encourage sustainability, reduce single-use plastics, and promote a circular economy.   Here are some ideas for items you can donate: Reusable Bags: Cloth[...]


April 25, 2024

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Episode 40 – Slí Big Swap

It was a busy day in Ardkeen Library recently as Slí, the Waterford Sustainable Living Initiative held its BIG SWAP.  People were encouraged to bring along five items to swap, anything from books to toys to clothes, you name it, it was all welcome. Reporter Clodagh Walsh[...]


April 25, 2024

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Tips 39 – National Tree Week

Tips:  Planting trees during tree week is a wonderful initiative to contribute to environmental sustainability. Here are some tips to ensure a successful tree-planting experience:   Choose the Right Tree: Select native or well-adapted tree species for your region. These trees are more likely to thrive in the local climate and soil conditions. Consider the[...]


April 25, 2024

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Episode 39 – National Tree Week

As we celebrate National Tree Week, March 3rd to 7th, we hear from Meath man Paddy Mangan and the project he set up to give thousands of trees away for free. For more in this series listen in to WLR every Wednesday at 11.30am.[...]


April 25, 2024

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Tips 38 – The Asian Hornet

Tips:  Supporting the Irish honey bee population is crucial for biodiversity and ecosystem health. Here are some tips to help the Irish honey bees thrive:   Plant Bee-Friendly Gardens: Grow a variety of native, bee-friendly plants in your garden. Irish wildflowers such as clover, heather, and foxglove are excellent choices. Choose plants that bloom at[...]


April 25, 2024

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Episode 38 – The Asian Hornet

If the Asian Hornet or Vespa Velutina becomes established in Ireland it may well be the final nail in the coffin for native pollinators and honey bees on the island. This week reporter, Clodagh Walsh hears why beekeepers are worried about the impact of Vespa[...]


April 25, 2024

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Episode 37 – Irish Honey Bee’s

Ireland's native honey bee forms the bedrock of our country's rich heritage in beekeeping culture and is also an important component of our natural pollinators. In this weeks Ours To Protect Clodagh Walsh hears  all about these  fascinating creatures from  East Waterford beekeepers. For more in this series[...]


April 25, 2024

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Tips 37 – Irish Honey Bee’s

Tips:  Supporting the Irish honey bee population is crucial for biodiversity and ecosystem health. Here are some tips to help the Irish honey bees thrive:   Plant Bee-Friendly Gardens: Grow a variety of native, bee-friendly plants in your garden. Irish wildflowers such as clover, heather, and foxglove are excellent choices. Choose plants that bloom at[...]


February 25, 2024

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Tips 36 – Sustainable Tourism

Tips:  Research and Choose Responsible Accommodations:   Look for hotels, resorts, or guesthouses that have sustainability certifications or eco-friendly practices. Consider accommodations that support the local community and economy.   Support Local Businesses: Choose locally owned restaurants, shops, and tour operators to contribute to the local economy. Buy locally made products and souvenirs to support traditional craftsmanship.   Minimize Single-Use[...]


February 25, 2024

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Episode 36 – Sustainable Tourism

It's the time of year when many of us are thinking of warm sunshine and where we might go for holidays. This week  local travel agent Sean Power tells Ours To Protect about what's hot on the travel front and whether  climate change is influencing where and[...]


February 14, 2024

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Tips 35 – Turning Red Hats Green – Valentine’s

Tips:  Choose Sustainable Gifts:   Opt for experiences rather than physical gifts. Consider activities like a nature hike, a cooking class, or a spa day. Select eco-friendly gifts such as reusable items, organic products, or items made from sustainable materials. Purchase from local artisans or businesses to support your community and reduce the carbon footprint[...]


February 14, 2024

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Episode 35 – Turning Red Hats Green – Valentine’s

Valentine's Day is celebrated on February 14th. This week reporter Clodagh Walsh, along with the help of some of her colleagues at the Broadcast Centre, is taking a look at the day a little early. They've come up with some ideas to make the day a[...]


February 14, 2024

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Tips 34 – Maintaining Your Washing Machine

Tips:  Read the Manual: Familiarize yourself with the manufacturer's instructions and guidelines provided in the user manual. This will help you understand specific features, maintenance requirements, and recommended usage. Level the Machine: Ensure that your washing machine is level to prevent excessive vibrations during the spin cycle. Use a leveling tool and[...]


February 14, 2024

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Episode 34 – Maintaining Your Washing Machine

As part of the circular economy, it's important to try and keep things in circulation for as long as possible. To help you prolong the life of your washing machine, reporter Clodagh Walsh talks to Maurice Kiely for advice and practical tips on how to do just[...]


February 14, 2024

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Tips 33 – The Circular Economy

Tips:  Design for longevity: Encourage the creation of products with longer lifespans. Design items to be easily repairable, upgradeable, and modular, allowing for parts replacement rather than discarding the entire product.   Promote reuse: Encourage the reuse of products and materials by establishing systems for refurbishment and resale. This can involve creating platforms[...]


February 14, 2024

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Episode 33 – The Circular Economy

What is the circular economy and why is it so important in the fight against climate change? Reporter Clodagh Walsh talks to  Waterford economist Jim Power who helps put it all into perspective for us.  For more in this series listen in to WLR every Wednesday at 11.30am[...]


January 22, 2024

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Tips 31 – The Deposit Return Scheme

It is estimated that about 1.9 billion drinks bottles and cans are consumed each year in Ireland, in-house and ‘on the go’. The Deposit Return Scheme aims to boost the recycling rate for these drinks containers by charging a small, refundable deposit for each plastic bottle or can. The Scheme will include[...]


January 22, 2024

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Episode 31 – The Deposit Return Scheme

Described as a circular economy initiative a new Deposit Return Scheme will be launched in Waterford on February 1st.  It will see a refundable deposit or levy added to certain plastic, steel, and aluminium drinks containers. Reporter Clodagh Walsh has been finding out all about it... For[...]


January 22, 2024

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Tips 30 – RENEW Enterprises

Renew Enterprises, focusing on repurposing bikes, paints, and wood, is comprehensive and sustainable initiative. 

  Here are some tips on how to recycle and repurpose these items effectively: Repurposing Bikes: Encourage community members to bring their bikes for repairs, and teach basic maintenance skills.   Bike Art Projects: Collaborate with local artists or schools for[...]


January 22, 2024

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Episode 30 – RENEW Enterprises

Renew Enterprises is the place to go if you're looking for anything from bikes, woodwork, kindling, paint recycling and much more. Reporter Clodagh Walsh hears how this social enterprise project in the heart of Waterford is not alone providing employment and retraining but playing its part in[...]


January 22, 2024

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Tips 29 – Christmas Tree Recycling

Recycling Christmas trees is a great way to give them a second life and contribute to environmental sustainability. 

Here are some tips on how to recycle Christmas trees:

Check Local Recycling: Many communities have Christmas tree recycling programmes. Check with your local waste management or to find out if[...]


January 22, 2024

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Episode 29 – Christmas Tree Recycling

As we near the end of the 12 days of Christmas it's time to think about re cycling your natural Christmas trees. We have great advice from Waterford City and County Council. We hear from the Tramore Eco Group who have a fun way of recycling[...]


January 22, 2024

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Tips 28 – Tramore Sand Dune Erosion

Preventing sand dune erosion in Tramore or any coastal area requires the collective efforts of the public.

Here are tips for individuals to contribute to the preservation of sand dunes:

Stay on Designated Paths and Walkways: Stick to designated paths and boardwalks to avoid trampling on[...]


January 22, 2024

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Episode 28 – Tramore Sand Dune Erosion

Reporter Clodagh Walsh joins the Tramore Eco Group for a Restoration Ecology Workshop. She hears about the work they are doing to protect the sand dunes in the seaside town. For more in this series listen in to WLR every Wednesday at 11.30am.[...]


January 22, 2024

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Tips 27 – Food Waste at Christmas

Reducing food waste during Christmas is not only environmentally friendly but also helps you save money.

Here are some tips to minimise food waste during the Christmas season:

Plan Your Meals: Plan your holiday meals carefully, considering the number of guests and their preferences. This helps you buy the[...]


January 22, 2024

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Episode 27 – Food Waste at Christmas

On average Irish households throw away €700 worth of food each year. At Christmas that number increases with 1.8 million kilos of food expected  to be thrown out in Ireland over the festive period.  Reporter Clodagh Walsh  has some hints and tips to help you[...]


January 22, 2024

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Tips 26 – Sustainable Christmas Shopping

Making sustainable Christmas shopping decisions is a great way to reduce your environmental impact during the holiday season.

Here are some tips:

Prioritize Quality Over Quantity: Instead of buying numerous inexpensive items, consider investing in high-quality, durable gifts. This not only reduces waste but also ensures[...]


January 22, 2024

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Episode 26 – Sustainable Christmas Shopping

It's the time of the year when we can all going little crazy when it comes to shopping... think of all those "just in case gifts"! So this Christmas we're asking you to be more mindful when you shop.  Think local, think reusing, re purposing,[...]


January 22, 2024

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Tips 25 – COP

The World Climate Action Summit (WCAS) will be held during the United Nations Climate Change Conference – COP 28. The UAE has invited Heads of State or Government to participate in the Summit (WCAS), which will be held on Friday, 1 and Saturday, 2 December 2023, when the first part of[...]


January 22, 2024

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Episode 25 – COP

The United Nations' crucial climate change conference gets under way this week in Dubai.  Reporter Clodagh Walsh spoke to lecturer in Health related Social and Environmental Sciences at SETU, Elaine Mullan to find out exactly what COP 28 is and why it's so important.[...]


November 27, 2023

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Tips 24 – From the Student Climate Conference in Waterford

Worried about Climate Change - here's a few things you can try:  Stay Informed: Educate yourself about climate change. Understand the science behind it, its causes, and its impacts. Stay updated on the latest developments and research in the field.   Reduce Your Carbon Footprint: Make conscious[...]


November 27, 2023

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Episode 24 – A Student Climate Conference in Waterford

The first ever Students Climate Conference took place in The Large Room in Waterford city hall recently.   TY Students from across Waterford city and county had a chance to have their say about the Council's proposed Climate Action Plan. Reporter Clodagh Walsh was there.[...]


November 27, 2023

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Tips 23 – Waterford Hair and Beauty Industry

The hair and beauty sector can adopt environmentally friendly practices to reduce its environmental impact.   Here are some tips:   Sustainable Products: Choose and offer products that are cruelty-free, organic, and sustainably sourced. Look for eco-friendly packaging options, such as recyclable or biodegradable materials. Water Conservation: Encourage water-efficient practices,[...]


November 27, 2023

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Episode 23 – Waterford Hair and Beauty Industry

There's a move on to help the hair and beauty sector make significant savings by adopting environmentally practices. The sector across Ireland has launched a new sustainability Strategy Action Framework.   In this weeks Ours To Protect reporter Clodagh Walsh hears about the initiative. She[...]


November 27, 2023

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Episode 22 – Waterford 2040

Listen back to this week's episode as Clodagh discusses what Waterford might look like in 2040. For more in this series, listen in every Wednesday at 11.30am.[...]


November 9, 2023

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Tips 21 – Slí Waterford

Did you know? Using the arts to promote a climate change message is a creative and powerful way to raise awareness and inspire action. Art has the ability to connect with people on an emotional and personal level, making complex issues like[...]


November 13, 2023

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Episode 21 – Slí Waterford

A group of young people who make up the Youth Climate Council of Slí  (Waterford Sustainable Living Initiative) held an open mic night in St Patricks Gateway recently where they used the Arts to promote their climate change message. Their guest speaker on the night[...]


November 9, 2023

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Tips 20 – Go Green for Halloween

Halloween can be a fun and spooky holiday, but it can also generate a lot of waste. To make Halloween more eco-friendly, here are some recycling ideas and tips:   Eco-Friendly Decorations: Instead of buying disposable decorations, opt for reusable or biodegradable options. For example,[...]


November 9, 2023

TITLE: WLR – Episode 20 – Go Green for Halloween

It's estimated that around 41 million euro is spent on Halloween treats in Ireland, that costumes will use 500 tonnes of plastics this year in Ireland alone. Think of all the plastic and packaging that produces!  We hear from one resident's association in Abbeyside in[...]


November 9, 2023

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Tips 19 – The Tangled Tuna

Reducing plastic pollution in the ocean is a critical environmental concern. Here are some tips to help minimise your contribution to this problem:   Reduce Single-Use Plastics: Say no to plastic straws, disposable cutlery, and plastic bags. Instead, use reusable alternatives made of stainless steel,[...]


November 9, 2023

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Episode 19 – The Tangled Tuna

Listen back to this week's episode as Clodagh Walsh finds out about The Tangled Tuna - the story of ghost fishing and how it impacts our oceans.  The story started out as a bed time story for author Richard Shore's  young daughter Poppy. Richard spoke to reporter[...]


November 9, 2023

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Tips 18 – EPA Food Waste

Did you know? In Ireland we waste about 800,000 tonnes of food each year, according to current best estimates. Growing, processing and transporting food uses a huge amount of resources, such as land, water, energy and fertiliser. If food is wasted, these[...]


November 9, 2023

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Episode 18 – EPA Food Waste

Listen back to this week's episode as Clodagh Walsh Speaks to the Environmental Protection Agency about the amount of food waste in Ireland each year. For more in this series listen in to WLR every Wednesday at 11.30am.[...]


November 9, 2023

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Episode 17 – Waterford Food Bank

Clodagh speaks to Karen Glancy from Waterford Food Bank about Food Waste. For more in this series listen in to WLR every Wednesday at 11.30am[...]


November 9, 2023

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Tips 17 – Waterford Food Bank

    Reducing food waste is not only environmentally responsible but also economical. Here are some tips on how to avoid wasting food:   Plan Your Meals: Create a weekly meal plan before grocery shopping to buy only what you need. Take stock of what you already have[...]


October 16, 2023

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Tips 16 – Food Waste

Reducing food waste is not only environmentally responsible but also economical. Here are some tips on how to avoid wasting food:   Plan Your Meals: Create a weekly meal plan before grocery shopping to buy only what you need. Take stock of what you already have in[...]


October 16, 2023

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Episode 16 – Food Waste

Food waste is a global issue with environmental, social and economic consequences. More than one quarter the food produced worldwide is wasted.  The Irish Government has committed to reducing food waste by 50% by 2023. ... But do you know how much food we waste in[...]


October 16, 2023

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Tips 15 – Upcycling Fashion

  Upcycling clothes is a creative and sustainable way to breathe new life into old garments and reduce your environmental impact. Whether you're a seasoned DIY enthusiast or a beginner, here are some tips to help you get started with upcycling clothes:   Gather Supplies: Basic sewing[...]


October 16, 2023

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Episode 15 – Upcycling Fashion

This week is all about Upcycling Fashion. When it comes to clothes waste, how is your track record? Do you ever think of repairing or re-fashioning something? Would you even know where to begin?  The library is not a bad place to start. Yes, that's right,[...]


September 27, 2023

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Tips 14 – Sli Waterford – Sustainable Living

  Living sustainably is a crucial step in reducing your environmental impact and helping to mitigate climate change. Here are some tips for sustainable living:   Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Follow the three Rs as a basic guideline for managing waste. Reduce your consumption, reuse items[...]


September 27, 2023

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Episode 14 – Sli Waterford – Sustainable Living

Clodagh Walsh chats to SLI Ireland’s Sarah Keane. Slí provides an education and knowledge-sharing hub for sustainability. It is a social enterprise project passionate about creating an equitable and sustainable future for all. They work with schools and community groups. business, pretty much anyone who[...]


September 27, 2023

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Tips 13 – Grow It Yourself

  Practicing food empathy with a focus on climate-conscious choices is an important step towards reducing your environmental impact. Here are some tips to help you make more climate-friendly food choices:   Eat Plant-Based: Reduce your consumption of animal products, especially red meat, and dairy.[...]


September 27, 2023

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Episode 13 – Waterford Harvest Festival – Food Empathy

Listen back to this week's episode as Clodagh Walsh chats Shona Dubois From the Grow It Yourself movement about the Waterford Harvest Festival.  For more in this series listen in to WLR every Wednesday at 11.30am[...]


September 27, 2023

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Tips 12 – Kilmeaden Community Garden

  Tips for creating a community garden. Creating a community garden can be a rewarding and fulfilling endeavour that brings people together while providing a host of benefits, from fostering a sense of community to promoting sustainable agriculture. Here are some tips to help[...]


September 27, 2023

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Episode 12 – Kilmeaden Community Garden

Listen back to this weeks episode as Clodagh Walsh chats to Ron Dewell, Linda Spillane and Declan Finn from Kilmeaden Community Garden.  For more in this series, listen in to WLR every Wednesday at 11.30am[...]


August 28, 2023

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Tips 11 – Green Shoots Festival

  Find out about GREEN SHOOTS FILM FESTIVAL in Tramore, Ireland, a day of screenings and talks with feature films and documentaries on biodiversity, climate change, GIY love and peas, wild lands and trees, eco-feminism, and green visions for renewable energy and a[...]


August 28, 2023

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Episode 11 – Green Shoots Festival

Listen back to this weeks episode as WLR go to the GREEN SHOOTS FILM FESTIVAL in Tramore, Ireland, for a day of screenings and talks with feature films and documentaries on biodiversity, climate change, GIY love and peas, wild lands and trees, eco-feminism, and green visions for renewable energy[...]


August 28, 2023

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Tips 10 – A Bio Regional Weaving programme

  Bioregional weaving, often referred to as bioregionalism or bioregional design, involves creating woven objects and textiles using materials that are locally sourced and ecologically sustainable, thus reflecting the unique characteristics of a specific region. Here are some tips for practicing[...]


August 28, 2023

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Episode 10 – A Bio Regional Weaving programme

Clodagh Walsh chats to Sarah from GIY about Europe’s Bio Regional Weaving programme.  We find out how communities are coming together to learn how they can collectively work to build a resilient food system that supports thriving landscapes, seascapes and communities. For more in this series listen[...]


August 15, 2023

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Tips 9 – Ard Scoil na Mara

  Incorporating biodiversity and sustainability into classrooms is essential for fostering environmental awareness, encouraging responsible behaviour, and shaping future generations to be more conscious of their impact on the planet. Here are some ideas and strategies for integrating these concepts into[...]


August 15, 2023

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Episode 9 – Ard Scoil na Mara

Clodagh Walsh went to meet teacher, Patrick Kirwan along with some of the transition students in their outdoor classroom on the school grounds in Tramore.  She heard about their sustainability and biodiversity project and saw them in action as they taught other students and teachers about[...]


August 15, 2023

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Tips 8 – Festivals

  Reducing waste and mitigating climate impact at festivals is essential for a more sustainable and environmentally friendly event. Here are some tips to help you achieve that goal:

  1. Promote Reusable Items: Encourage festivalgoers to bring reusable water bottles,[...]


August 15, 2023

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Episode 8 – Sustainable Festivals

Spraoi and the All Together Now Festival both take place in Waterford over the August Bank Holiday weekend. Clodagh met with the organisers to hear how their practices have changed when it comes to their carbon footprint and sustainability. For more in this series listen in to WLR[...]


August 15, 2023

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Episode 7 – Waterford City and County Council

Listen back to this weeks episode as Clodagh sits down with Grainne Kennedy - Climate Coordinator with Waterford City Council to explore their carbon footprint reduction plans and empowering climate ideas. [...]


July 28, 2023

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Tips 6 – Mount Congreve

  Climate change can have significant impacts on gardening, affecting factors such as temperature, precipitation patterns, and the frequency of extreme weather events. To adapt your gardening practices and minimize the impact of climate change, consider the following tips:   Choose[...]


July 28, 2023

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Episode 6 – Mount Congreve

Listen back to this episode as Clodagh speaks with Ray Sinnott, Estate Manager  at Mount Congreve in Waterford. They chat about how climate change is affecting the gardens and the wetlands project and how they encourage biodiversity all year round. For more in this series listen in to[...]


July 19, 2023

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Episode 5 – Theatre Royal Waterford – A Sustainable Venue

  Listen back as WLR talks to Mary Boland, theatre director Theatre Royal which is part of the Green Arts Initiative. Mary explains what that is, what it means for the theatre in terms of its carbon footprint. She also talks about the projects they have put in[...]


July 19, 2023

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Tips 5 – How to run a Sustainable Event

  10 Ways to Make Your Event More Sustainable  

  1. Determine the Environmental Impact of Your Event(s)
To make your event more sustainable, you must first consider the impact it would have. Think about which areas of your[...]


July 19, 2023

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Tips 4 – Setting up a Pop Up Shop

  Shop for pre-owned items where possible — it’s the friendliest option on your wallet and the planet. Brick-and-mortar shops like SWOP are convenient if you live close by, but there are many other ways to connect with your local fashion[...]


July 19, 2023

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Episode 4 – Fast Fashion follow on

This is a follow on piece to fast fashion. Jade and Megan from Beat Girls talk about their experience and attitude to fast fashion and why they decided to set up a pop-up clothes shop.  For more in this series listen in to WLR every Wednesday at 11.30am    [...]


July 19, 2023

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Episode 3 – Fast Fashion

Listen back to this weeks episode as Green Party Councillor Christina Kiely spoke to Clodagh about fast fashion, what it is and what effect it is having on the planet. For more in this series listen in to WLR every Wednesday at 11.30am[...]


July 19, 2023

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Tips 3 – Fast Fashion

    Shop Sustainable Brands Everyone needs to buy clothes occasionally, so when you do, focus on purchasing from sustainable brands. It may take some time and research, but there are many outstanding companies looking to do right by[...]


June 23, 2023

TITLE: WLR FM – Weekly Tips 2 – Soil Erosion

Did you know? Erosion is the process of wearing away or displacing soil, rock, or other materials on the Earth's surface through natural forces such as wind, water, or ice. It can have significant environmental impacts, including the loss of[...]


June 23, 2023

TITLE: WLR FM – Weekly Episode 2 – Soil Erosion

Listen back to this weeks episode where Clodagh went along to a public lecture on Kilfarrasy beach as part of the CALMAST Bealtine Festival. She spoke to Geologist Robbie Galvin from the Copper Coast GEO Park about erosion, the geological history of the area and[...]


June 15, 2023

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Episode 1 – What is Climate Change?

Listen in to WLR as they chat with Elaine Mullan, Lecturer in Health Related Social and Environmental sciences', SETU and find out more about Climate Change and what it means for you.    Listen in to WLR every Wednesday at 11.30am for more in this series.[...]


June 15, 2023

TITLE: WLR – Weekly Episode 1 – Tip Sheet

TIPS: Climate change is a significant global issue, and it requires collective action to mitigate its effects. Here are some tips to help you make a positive impact: Save Energy: Reduce your energy consumption by turning off lights when not in use, unplugging electronics, using energy-efficient[...]


June 9, 2023

TITLE: WLR – Episode 1 – The Panel

Listen back to the first programme by WLR in the "Ours to Protect" series. Join Clodagh Walsh – Broadcaster and TV presenter who is WLR’s Climate Action series presenter. Clodagh introduces the series to WLR’s Damien Tieran and a panel discussion takes place afterwards with Michael Kelly and[...]


